The Basics of Integrating Email Marketing Into Your Website

Considering there are over 4 billion active email accounts worldwide, email marketing is one of the best digital marketing tools out there. Not only is it one of the most cost-effective strategies, it’s a great way to segment and personalize your customers’ experience with your brand. Setting up an email marketing program takes some minor setup initially, then it’s actually pretty easy to maintain — thanks to some of our favorite tools like Squarespace and MailChimp.

We recommend starting with a simple subscription form on your website, allowing people to sign up to your company’s email newsletter. Observing who cares enough about your organization to sign-up to your email newsletter offers great insight into the customers you should be focusing on. As you get going, you can start to get more advanced, segmenting and creating separate “lists” for certain types of customers. For example, you might choose to keep current customers and future customers in separate lists. That way, you can personalize your messaging and give your audience the content they really need.

Once you start collecting email addresses, it’s important to stay in touch with your customers consistently. If you are consistently providing valuable email marketing content, your customers will become loyal brand advocates. Email marketing is also a great way for customers to share information about your organization with their closest friends and family. Unlike social media, email is more intimate and recommendations or referrals tend to show a higher ROI (return on investment).

We will be writing more in-depth articles about email marketing in the future, so make sure you subscribe to The Angelo Agency email newsletter below!

Need help developing an email marketing program for your organization? Contact The Angelo Agency today!


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